Do you ever feel off-track or have no idea what to do with yourself when you don’t have your phone with you? Inevitably, most of us do. We have a tendency to check or respond to every text, call, and social media-related message. One of the places where you are going to want to break that habit for is an interview. It can really make or break the way that your interviewer sees you as a worthy candidate even before speaking with you. Some of the most important aspects of communicating in an interview is expressed through your nonverbal communication. Your body language and facial expressions can really demonstrate a specific message to your interviewer without even saying anything. In this scenario what you do with your phone can make a huge impact on the message you send to your interviewer. To help you save face for your upcoming interview, here are some ‘what not to do’s’ with your cellphone (I promise these will set you up for success before entering the room with your interviewer).

Cell Phones Off, Silent, or Vibrate?

Let’s face it, most of us are addicted to our phones and in today’s modern world, it’s hard to leave it at home. But we’re not asking you to go that far. When going into an interview, first impressions begin the minute you walk through that door. Your cellphone also contributes to that non-verbal message. When you are in the waiting room anticipating your interview, most people’s natural instinct is to check your phone, maybe scroll through Facebook, or watch a video on YouTube. Do your recruiter a favor and take the time to turn your cellphones off. You will be saving yourself the embarrassment, apologies, and distraction of your buzzing phone. Trust me when I say your recruiter will silently thank you for not having to listen to Rhianna’s “Work” interrupt your interview.

Any of these habits may seem harmless because it’s normal in our society today to check your phone while you are waiting for anything. Whatever you do, fight the urge and just turn your cellphone off or turn it on silent before you walk through that door. You won’t be distracted and you won’t be sending a message that says, “I’m bored” or “I have better things that need my attention right now.” Instead, be prepared! Bring two copies of your resume, one for you and your interviewer. Go over your resume while you are waiting. Remind yourself of key aspects in your education and or career background experience that is really going to sell you during this interview!

When you practice these habits for an interview, you’re consciously being respective and courteous of others and the business that is being conducted in the office. As soon as your interview is over, go ahead and blast your music, videos, and have that conversation on speaker phone like no one’s listening! Just wait until after you interview is over.